ns2 newbie here...

I have download a scenarios which contain movement pattern and communication  
pattern using CBR sources from http://www.monarch.cs.rice.edu/cmu-ns.html
I would like to use one of the scenario.

My question is:
Do i have to copy the scenario(movement pattern and communication pattern using 
CBR) in to ... /ns-2.30/tcl/mobility/scen like the example in  Marc Greis' 
tutorial? If so, i have tried to do that but some sort of error occur.

I am doing a report on the performance comparision between AODV,DSR,DSDV. Can 
send me a tcl scrip to run these 3 routing protocol? 

Anyone who willing to guide me with these report are welcome.
Just give me a msn contact if u want to.

Any advise are also welcome.
Thank you.

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