
I tested wireless3.tcl in the section X.2. of Marc Greis's tutorial.
It works good!!
Firstly, MH talks to W(0) through HA. As MH moves to its destination,
it talks to W(0) through FA. And when it returns back original
position MH talks to W(0) through HA again.
It takes long time to hand over relatively (more than 10s), but it works..

Now I want to test a mobility of the Mobile IPv6.
I use two tools. One is Mobiwan and the other is Mobility package for
NS-2 from NIST.
1. Mobiwan for NS-2.27 (http://www.ti-wmc.nl/mobiwan2/)
2. Mobility package for NS-2 from NIST

I modified wireless3.tcl of Marc Greis's tutorial. I attached them in this mail.
1. wireless3-mobiwan-ns-2.27.tcl
2. wireless3-nist-mih-ns-2.29.tcl
Two files run well but the handover does not work!!
In wireless3-mobiwan-ns-2.27.tcl, when MH is in the HA it talks to
W(0) but after MH leaves HA it does not talk to W(0).
wireless3-nist-mih-ns-2.29.tcl, when MH is in the HA it talks to W(0)
but after MH leaves HA it does not talk to W(0). But when MH returns
back to HA, it talks to W(0) again.

What is the problem?

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