Hi, all:
I knew NS2 provided a set of default .tcl files located in /tcl directory.
One of them is called ns_agent.tcl. Sometimes we need to add our own defined
agent such as OLSR. And we did so already. Then I run ns2 but it complains
the error such as :

invalid command name "Agent/OLSR"  while executing "Agent/OLSR set abc true"

I had thought that maybe they're not in same directory as my current work
directory, so I copy the modifed ns-agent.tcl file to my work directory,
still same error occurs. My questions:

1. Which directory is supposed to be our own work directory which we create
our own tcl files?  They're so many sub-dir under /ns-allinone-2.29/
2. Why my work file doesn't recognize the modified ns-agent.tcl ?
3. For these default ns-XXX.tcl files under /tcl, are they automatically
called whenever need? Do we need to export the tcl_library by adding this

Any suggestions?  Thanks in advanced.

(This forum is really helpful, I love you and your great help..)


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