I wish to print some information from MAC layer / give some command to it (
using "command" function)
In case of AODV
[ $node_($i) set ragent_ ]  give me a handle to the routing layer (or just
so that I can give a command
        [ $node_($i) set ragent_ ]  <my command>

Can somebody please tell me is there anything like
$node_($i) set mac_ ? (I tried this actually, but mac_ is an array and hence
this is invalid)
I hope I could clearly state my question.

     Figure 16.1  of ns manual (structure of a node) gives shows things like
mac_, uptarget_ , downtarge_ etc etc) I have searched for them in the source
code. But have not been able to understand fully. Can somebody give me a
brief idea before I dig deeper into source code?

Thank you  for your time

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