  Please help me, i have add CMU wireless multicast extensions for ns-2.1b8  
(http://www.monarch.cs.cmu.edu/multicast_extensions.html ) to ns-allinone-2.30 
on fedora core 6. I have execute a following process :
  1-dowload  ns-2.30 allinone (from ns) and 2.1b8-mcast (from monarch)
  2-put 2.1b8-mcast inside ns-allinone folder and start copying following 
folders over to ns-2.30 folder; odmrp, admr, WORKS, SCRIPTS, RESULTS, TRACES, 
routing_agent, unicast_agent, movement-scenario, 
mcast_communication-scenarios….and files ns-packet.tcl, ns-cmu-trace.tcl, 
packet.h, cum-trace.h/cc, wireless-phy.h/cc, ns-mobinode.tcl, ns-default.tcl
  3-copy the Makefile.in from ns-2.1b8-mcast to ns-2.1b8
  4-./configure, make clean, make
  After the make I have the message :
  make: *** No the régle to manufacture the target ' random.cc' necessary for 
  Please it’s very important 
  Thanks for reply
  Ana turk

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