Dear ns users,
please I need your HELP. I have the simulation multicast model, where is only 
one source (I'm using Seesion/RTP) a number of receivers (Session RTP also). 
Session/RTP class create one Agent/CBR/RTP (called dchan_) and one Agent/RTCP 
(called cchan_).
Is the part of my script correct?

# src_ send packets to the multicast group G1

set n(1) [$ns node]
set src_ [new Session/RTP]
$src_ session_bw 500kb/s
$src_ attach-node $n(1)
$ns at 0.0 "$src_ join-group $G1"
$ns at 0.0 "$src_ start"

#rcvr_ - I need that it will be only RECEIVE packet and in the calculated 
interval sends feedback by RTCP

set n(2) [$ns node]
set rcvr_ [new Session/RTP]
$rcvr_ session_bw 500kb/s
$src_ attach-node $n(2)
$ns at 0.1 "$rcvr_ join-group $G1"
$ns at 0.1 "$rcvr_ start"
#### no "transmit" command

Do you have anybody experience with the RTCP? The response interval (rint_) is 
calculated correct only if the rcvr_ "transmit" some data to the G1, but if I 
don't use the "transmit" command (rcvr_ transmit 100kb/s i.e.), the rint_ 
calculation give the wrong values.
Please help me find a solution for this issue.

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