Dear all NS/ers

Could somebody help me in a terrible situation, for which i am not
getting any help.

I am using ns 2.31 and TKN EDCA patch for 802.11e. I need to set and
get the priority queues of 802.11e based node, for different
parameters such as AIFS (per node per queue). I am not very familiar
with tcl, and have no idea what this msg is asking me. So do u have
idea how to resolve this error for 802.11e?

thank you very much.
kind regards

CODE piece
Node/MobileNode instproc get-ifq {} {
   puts "First"
   $self instvar ifq_
   puts "Second"
   return $ifq_(0)

puts "Test RV"
set ifq [$node_(0) get-ifq]
$ifq Prio 0 AIFS 2
puts "Test RV_END"
close $testout

proc dump_priority {}  {
   global node_

   # dump mobile priorities (all mobile priorities are the same, so
only dump one of them)
   set ifq [$node_(0) get-ifq]
   puts "Test BWP1"
   set addr [AddrParams addr2id [$node_(0) node-addr]]
   #set levels [$ifq levels]
   set levels 4
   puts "Test BWP2"
   foreach var "PF CW_MIN CW_MAX AIFS TXOPLimit" {
       puts -nonewline stderr [format "%7d  %-9s  " $addr  $var]
       for {set i 0} {$i < $levels} {incr i} {
           if {$var == "TXOPLimit"} {
               puts -nonewline stderr [format "%1d  %8.6f   " $i \
                                           [$ifq get-prio $i $var]]
           } else {
               puts -nonewline stderr [format "%1d  %8d   " $i \
                                           [$ifq get-prio $i $var]]
       puts stderr ""
puts "iub"
#set levels [$ifq levels]
set a [$ifq get-prio 0 PF]
     (_o22 cmd line 1)
     invoked from within
  "_o22 cmd get-prio 0 PF"
     invoked from within
  "catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
     invoked from within
  "if [catch "$self cmd $args" ret] {
  set cls [$self info class]
  global errorInfo
  set savedInfo $errorInfo
  error "error when calling class $cls: $args" $..."
     (procedure "_o22" line 2)
     (SplitObject unknown line 2)
     invoked from within
  "$ifq get-prio 0 PF"
     invoked from within
  "set a [$ifq get-prio 0 PF]"
     (file "w1.tcl" line 258)

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