...and heeere's the monthly reminder about this year's workshop on ns-2!

WNS2, the Workshop on ns2 (and -3) that is the ns event of the year, is this 
October in Athens, Greece, home of the classics, philosophy, democracy and 

WNS2 part of Valuetools 2008, and is taking place in Athens the same week as 
the Internet Measurement Conference.

WNS2 is in association with ACM, and papers will be archived in the ACM library.

Do submit your papers! You have until 25 May to upload a full paper via 
http://www.cocus.info (Cocus - a Greek Titan.)


for the WNS2 co-chairs.

<http://info.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]


ns, the free open-source network simulator, is the de-facto standard for 
research over a wide variety of networking areas. ns version 2 is widely used 
across both academia and industry as a way of designing, testing and evaluating 
new and existing protocols and architectures, and has also proven a very useful 
tool for teaching purposes. ns version 3 is under active development.

The Workshop on ns-2 (WNS2) is a two-day event held in conjunction with 
VALUETOOLS 2008, the Third International Conference on Performance Evaluation 
Methodologies and Tools (http://www.valuetools.org/), during the week of 20-24 
October 2008 in Athens, Greece. WNS2 2008 follows the success of the first WNS2 
workshop in 2006. A tutorial day on Thursday 23 October is followed by 
presentation of reviewed papers on Friday 24 October 2008.

The main goals of this second WNS2 workshop are to bring together networking 
researchers from both academia and industry, to discuss recent advances, to 
identify future directions in network simulation, and to foster 
interdisciplinary collaborative research in this area. The workshop aims to 
emphasise the future evolution of ns-2, now that ns-3 is under active 
development, and its extension in novel research areas and networking 
technologies and scenarios.


This workshop focuses on the ns simulator in itself, and in improving 
simulation. We seek original contributions that go beyond the use of ns-2 "as 
is" for networking scenarios, and which try to make ns do something new and 
different. Topics of interest for the Workshop include, but are not limited to:

Structural developments/enhancements to the NS-2 simulator itself:

    * Presentation/evaluation of new features/architectures under development 
for ns-3.
    * Dynamic management of libraries / ns-Modules.
    * Large-scale network simulation and model-based simulation approaches.
    * Development of parallel and distributed versions of ns. Use of 
virtualization with ns.
    * Integration of simulation and emulation.
    * Post-processing tools, including GUIs for statistical analysis and 
visualization of simulation results.

Simulator use and validation of simulation accuracy:

    * Validation of ns behaviour with experimentation and real data from 
    * Comparative studies of ns and other network simulation tools, both 
commercial and freely available.
    * Environments and methodologies: the best practices, third-party code, 
helper scripts, and frameworks that serious users of ns recommend to get things 

New simulation models and features:

    * Wireless channel modelling.
    * Frameworks for cross-layer support.
    * Mobile and wireless networks, 3G/4G networks, WLANs, WPANs, WiMAX, Mesh 
    * Delay-tolerant networking.
    * Congestion-control and transport-layer issues in long-fat networks.
    * Mobility: network mobility (NEMO), physical node mobility (e.g., group 
mobility models).
    * Sensor and actuator networks (wireless, underwater, underground).
    * Peer-to-peer systems.
    * Network coding: data dissemination, encoding/decoding suites.
    * Grid computing.

Important Dates
Full Papers due: May 25, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: July 1, 2008
Camera-ready Manuscripts due: August 1, 2008
Conference Dates: October 23-24, 2008 

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