
I am new to using ns-2 and have a few questions about getting my
simulations right. Any feedback/comments would be helpful.

1) In a particular topology of the network, I scheduled a particular
node to send lots of identical (TCP) traffic to various nodes (infact
all other nodes on the network). The resulting trace file shows that
some destinations receive (or are sent) more packets than others. Why
is this? Considering that all the links are of the same speed, and the
node which gets the most packets is not on the same segment of the
sending node?

Infact, the destinations nodes on the same segment as the sending node
receives and replies with much fewer packets. Also, there is a
particular node which received considerably a lot of packets (more
than 50% of the entire traffic). Judging by the topology and the
design of the network, there is no reason why it should have?

Any thoughts on the above - particularly on the random nature of the
distribution of such traffic in ns-2?

2) A question related to the above scenario, where all desitnation
nodes where scheduled for traffic for a total of 1 second. Now, the
resulting trace file shows that traffic to some nodes is only
sent/received for a much shorter amount of time than others.

A question: could we control traffic behaviour specially in terms of
(1) number of packets? (2) duration of packet exchange? So, for
example a node A is scheduled to send exactly 100 packets (or exchange
packets for a duration of 15 seconds) to a particular node B? If such
is scheduled, would this be affected by
- topology?
- speed of the links?
- congestion/load?

Any comments are much appreciated. Thanks


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