sriram balakrishnan wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: sriram balakrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 17:44:04 +0530
> Subject: range of mobile nodes
> To:
> hi
> i would like to know where is the range of the node/mobile node set, for
> example if i want that i should set the range of my node as 200 meters and
> anything beyond that is to be sent in multi hops.
You have to play with Carrier Sensing Threshold and Receiver Threshold 
as follows.
Phy/WirelessPhy set CSThresh_ <value_1>         ;#Foe carrier sensing range
Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ <value_2>         ;# For Receiver Threshold

whehre, the value_1/value_2 is the received power level below which the 
packet will not be sensed/understood respectively. To know which value 
to use for a particular distance use the 
<ns2dir>/indep-utils/propagation/ utility. Just compile it 
and run it to know its usage. It takes "distance (mtrs)" as input and 
gives "ThresholdPower" as the output, which you can use for above values...
 By the way, the default values are set in 
<ns2dir>/tcl/lib/ns-defaults.tcl such that the cs range and rx range are 
550 mtrs and 250 mtrs resp.


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