Hello, I'm doing some modifications to the DSR algorithm, in order to
make it "power aware". I looked into the code of the file
'dsragent.cc', but I've not yet understood if the route of a SRPacket
(which is an object of type 'Path'), contains IP addresses, MAC
addresses, or both....
It seems to me that it contain both, but I don't understand in which
cases an entry in the route is made of a MAC address, instead of an IP
address. I did not find in fact any point in the source code (both of
'dsragent.cc/h', and other files), where the MAC address of the
current node (MAC_id) is put into the route of an SRPacket. I found
some conditions, where both the node_id (IP address) and the MAC_id
(MAC address) of the current node is used (for example 'assert(p.dest
== net_id || p.dest == MAC_id);'     ) but I don't understand how can
a MAC address end up inside a route...
Thanks a lot

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