Also I am asked why you use this complicated tcl parameters. 

NS, by default, has the
data rate for the MAC set at 2 Mbps. But cards are faster now. My
cards are 802.11b, which means they're 11 Mbps, and so we need to
change this. Add the following to the beginning of your simulation

Mac/802_11 set dataRate_ 11Mb

So when you set Phy/WirelessPhy set bandwidth_ 0Mb , that mean there is no 
available, so no traffic will flow through the wireless link.

Second point: 
Study the simple simulation for wirelress link from thw following site, don't 
start working 
with your project until understand very well:

Mohammed AbuHajar

--- On Fri, 12/4/09, galaxy-huang <> wrote:

From: galaxy-huang <>
Subject: Re:Re: [ns] what is the differences between these bandwidth_s and 
To: "Mohammed AbuHajar" <>
Date: Friday, December 4, 2009, 10:52 AM

hi, Mohammed AbuHajar,   thanks for your help. but what i really confused is 
that which bandwidth_ is necessary. in my scenario, i set the wireless physical 
layer bandwidth to ZERO(by adding"Phy/WirelessPhy set bandwidth_ 0Mb"), but it 
have no effect in my simulation. another question is, In reality, is there 
existing LL::bandwidth_ and Mac::bandwidth_? whether or not should we set all 
these bandwidths in our simulation, if not which one is necessary?thank you 
very much!
在2009-12-04,"Mohammed AbuHajar" <> 写道:
 Data link Layer contains the two units(LLC,MAC) as structure So
LL::bandwidth_  refer to the bandwidth of Logical Link layer 
Mac::bandwidth_  refer to the bandwith of Media access layer 
Phy::bandwidth_  refer to the bandwith of physical layer
Mac802_11::basicrate_  //Rate for Data Frames 
Mac802_11::datarate_   //Rate for Control Frames 
Try to see the following site:
Mohammed AbuHajar

--- On Thu, 12/3/09, galaxy-huang <> wrote:

From: galaxy-huang <>
Subject: [ns] what is the differences between these bandwidth_s and rate_s?
To: "ns" <ns-users@ISI.EDU>
Date: Thursday, December 3, 2009, 11:03 AM

hi all,
  i am confused by the bandwidths when i am wirting a wireless 802.11 scenario. 
there are many bandwidths and rates:
  I don't know what are the differences between them? when to use them?
  Could someone give me the answer?
  thanks in advance!


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