Dear all,

I have a large number of droped packet in my simulation I have set 3 BS 

UMTS with a coverage of 1000m  position  (X,Y) = doesn't have
WiFI  coverage of 50m (250,250) 
WiMAX coverage of 500m (100,100)

I receive a huge number of droped packet with unknown reason. Also when I some 
the Received and dropped packet i find less than send packet...

d -t 1.069065960 -Hs 15 -Hd 12582916 -Ni 15 -Nx 250.00 -Ny 250.00 -Nz 0.00 -Ne 
-1.000000 -Nl IFQ -Nw --- -Ma 0 -Md 12 -Ms e -Mt 800 -Is 4194304.3 -Id 
12582916.0 -It cbr -Il 1024 -If 0 -Ii 111 -Iv 29 -Pn cbr -Pi 2 -Pf 0 -Po 0 

Please help me !


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