
See this:

   - IEEE 802.15.4 extensions to ns-2.26 and 2.27 are now available. The
   code works with ns 2.26 and 2.27 and has been tested on
   Linux/Solaris/FreeBSD. There are README, test/demo scripts. Code is at
   http://www-ee.ccny.cuny.edu/zheng/pub. Contact Jianliang
Zheng<zh...@ee.ccny.cuny.edu>for details.

   - IEEE 802.15.4 extensions to ns-2.26 and 2.27 are now available. The
   code works with ns 2.26 and 2.27 and has been tested on
   Linux/Solaris/FreeBSD. There are README, test/demo scripts. Code is at
   http://www-ee.ccny.cuny.edu/zheng/pub. Contact Jianliang
Zheng<zh...@ee.ccny.cuny.edu>for details.

The source code can be found from here:

Best Regards
Mubashir Husain Rehmani
Lip6/UPMC Sorbonne Universtié
Paris, France

2011/3/8 兰天 <lantian0...@163.com>

> I am a student who intrest in zigbee and its application,however,i suffer
> some obstacles in simulation because I get the source code of 802.15.4 ,and
> the author of 802.15.4 simulation said that he do not offer the source code
> of zigbee routing anymore.As far as I concern,the source code of zigbee
> routing could be downloaded in the past time.how to get source code of
> zigbee routing?

Mubashir Husain Rehmani

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