Hi everyone!!!!

I am doing a simulation in the NS 2.33 and 2.34... the same
simulation....But I am afraid if there is some problem...but why????

In Ns 2.34 the simulation spend much more time to end and the trace
generated have bigger size than the trace generated by the Ns 2.33 and I see
the file in the 2.34 version more detailed than 2.33

So..Any ideia????? What can be happening???

Thanks for the help

Best regards

*Ederval Pablo Ferreira da Cruz
Professor de Informática (Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (IFES) -
Campus Itapina)
Mestrando em Informática (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro -
MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) -  Windows Server 2003 / ISA SERVER
2004 / Windows XP
FCP (Furukawa Certified Professional) - Fundamental
E-mail: ederval.c...@ifes.edu.br
Skype: edervall.cruz
27 9229-0685*

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