I am doing a simulation...but I would like to evaluate 2 metrics that I saw
in a article of VANET

* Average Path length [hops].

* Packet delivery ratio [%].

Someone can help me about AWK scripts to get this metrics????

Thanks for the help....

Best regards!!!!

*Ederval Pablo Ferreira da Cruz
Professor de Informática (Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (IFES) -
Campus Itapina)
Mestrando em Informática (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro -
MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) -  Windows Server 2003 / ISA SERVER
2004 / Windows XP
FCP (Furukawa Certified Professional) - Fundamental
E-mail: ederval.c...@ifes.edu.br
Skype: edervall.cruz
27 9229-0685*

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