Hi Tom

Thanks a lot for your answer!

On Sun, 27 Oct 2013 21:54:47 -0700
Tom Henderson <t...@tomh.org> wrote:

> On 10/22/2013 08:59 AM, Ramon Hofer wrote:
> >
> > Hi all
> >
> > I'm writing my master thesis and would like to use NS to test a
> > protocol which uses SCTP. It is about routing various hybrid subnets
> > including Ethernet, Fiber, WiFi, ZigBee, PLC, GPRS and sending data
> > with SCTP.
> >
> > According to your wiki, SCTP is not yet implemented in NS-3 [1].
> > But I found in the archive of this mailing list a thread from last
> > year where somebody was interested in implementing SCTP for NS-3
> > [2].
> >
> > According to this I should use ns-2, right?
> >
> > I will write a communication framework in C++, which I think would
> > be better to use in ns-3?
> >
> > But I could probably find more ready to use modules for ns-2?
> >
> >
> Ramon, I think arguments could be made for either ns-2 or ns-3, in
> the case of SCTP.

Ok, I will try both.

> The group at the University of Delaware put a lot of effort into 
> developing the ns-2 model, over the course of several years, so if
> the emphasis is really on studying the finer points of SCTP, perhaps
> you will find that code useful.

I want to study routing protocols and SCTP communication in a hybrid
network mainly for reliability and QoS demands.

>From what you write, it would probably be best to start with ns-2?

> For ns-3, there is no code available yet, but it appears that a group 
> may post some code for SCTP in ns-3 shortly; please review this
> thread: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ns-3-users/SfJ8cLXoXhA

Thanks for the link. Sounds promising!

I'm trying to register without a Google account. It seems that I have
managed to subscribe to the ns-3-users Google groups. But I will have
to wait for another mail of the "Sctp based Lte Handover in Epc"
thread to be able to answer it. But for the moment I will play with
both versions...

> There is also the ns-3 DCE kernel code framework; since SCTP is in
> the Linux kernel, one might be able to reuse this code (although I'm
> not sure whether in your use case it would be suitable).  I checked
> with Hajime Tazaki about whether SCTP was supported yet for Linux
> kernel DCE, and he replied "not yet" and that it would probably be a
> few weeks of work to support CONFIG_IP_SCTP.

Hmm, unfortunately I think I won't be able to do that, I'm on quite
tight schedule.

> In general, all things being somewhat equal, you will probably find
> more help on the lists when using ns-3, since it is actively
> maintained.

On the other hand there may be more documentation on ns-2?

Beside the main documentation, I found a lot of ns-2 tutorials. This is
also the case for ns-3, but the missing SCTP is the reason why I didn't
already go for ns-3...

> You mentioned needs for a number of other models:  Ethernet, Fiber, 
> WiFi, ZigBee, PLC, GPRS.  I don't think either ns-2 or ns-3 has all
> of these.

Ethernet and Fiber are not very important to me. But ZigBee and PLC
To be honest, I haven't looked at ns closely, but I suppose I will be
able to parametrize a new connection type or some kind of scenarion
where nodes fail and recover.

> Given all of this, probably it makes sense to try both out (existing 
> ns-2, and ns-3 once the SCTP code becomes available).

I think, it probably won't hurt to directly contact Madan. I will wait
and see what he anserws to your post from today...

Thanks again

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