
I have a problem running a tcl script with a long time that exceeds 4000
if I set the time to 4000 seconds or less, it works perfectly. However, I
got the following error if the end time of the simulation is greater than
4000 seconds:

*now 4096.00598507 Mac: 3 BackoffTimer::handle but no priority matches ?!
stime_[1] 4096.00585507 rtime_[1] 80.00 AIFSwait_[1] 50.00 *

I'm working on IEEE802.11e standard, so  does it mean that ns2 doesn't
support time greater than this !!? or is it because of tracefile output.

As I understand from post #117 in the following link that ns2 can't analyze
trace file greater than 800 MB.


Due to this reason, I decided to disable the trace file option since it is
not important for me. The output that I need I write to a file. So what I
did is that I write to /dev/null instead of writing it to out.tr and remove
any statements related to nam analyzer according to the following link.


However, the same error is still displaying

set opt(tr)             /dev/null ;#trace file

Program exited with code 01.

*now 4096.00598507 Mac: 3 BackoffTimer::handle but no priority matches ?!
stime_[1] 4096.00585507 rtime_[1] 80.00 AIFSwait_[1] 50.00 *

*Kindly advise what should I do? *

Thanks for your help in advance.

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