The Tech Note does refer to SQLite 3:

It shows:
AddObject "newObjects.sqlite3.dbutf8","db"

I notice the OP is still using NS Basic 6 - that had SQLite 2. It looks
like an update to NS Basic/CE 7 will help here.

Here is the URL to upgrade:

>I believe that is the OLDER NewObjects sqlite object - version 
>2.something. (The naming convention is disappointing, I agree.)
>For the version 3 compatible object, I used:
>AddObject "newObjects.sqlite3.dbutf8","cn"
>So I suggest that you try that - with "db" at the end instead of cn 
>so that it matches the rest of your code. I *think* that the sqlite3 
>version is included with AXPack as well, though I'm not sure how to 
>test this.
>All of the tech notes on the NSBasic site appear to use the old 
>sqlite progID. I believe that I got the sqlite3 one from the 
>SQLite.nsb sample program that came NSB/CE 7.0.4 - that code is 
>programmed to come up with a message of "AXPack1 control not 
>installed" if the AddObject line errors.
>George - maybe the tech notes on the site could be updated to mention 
>sqlite3 ?
>And a final note - sqlite is 'simple' in its way, but not very 
>friendly to people using basic or other friendly development 
>languages - officially it is a C library. If you're talking to sqlite 
>using anything other than C, (or maybe C++) then you're using a 
>wrapper, and they don't support wrappers directly at, 
>although they do have a helpful list of them buried inside their 
>Here's a starting point for the newobjects wrapper that NSBasic uses: 
>--- In, jpcb...@... wrote:
>> Thank you for your help !  I am using NsBasic/CE version 6.0.3 and 
>> my command to use the SQlite database is 
>>AddObject "NewObjects.sqlite.dbutf8",  "db".
>> If I need version 3.3.5, how, what and where do I get it.  I've 
>> been  all over the site and I can't figure how to get 
>> version 3.3.5.
>> I like the simplicity of NsBasic and the same idea with SQlite; 
>> but, its this "scavenger hunt" process of figuring how to get 
>> things working that is really disconcertng.
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