I am not sure how much I can help here - I'm no expert on all the
possibilities of DECLARE.

But one important question first: Is the Reader.dll file for Windows CE?
The desktop version will not work.

>Hi George,
>Thanks for you reply last time,
>I got declaration sample in VB6 from the supplier of the RFID reader
>inside my PDA and try to adapt it ot NSBasic but I still have error can
>you help me a bit ?
>I try to simply detect the emmbeded reader with a icturebox as button
>this way :
>Sub Bt_ok_click
>Dim reader_handle 
>       Dim reader_buffer 
>       Dim reader_message 
>       reader_message = DetectReader(reader_handle,reader_buffer)
>       temp_message.cls
>       temp_message.drawtext reader_message,0,0
>End Sub
>And Here are the declaration (I can't find equivalent to ATTRIBUTE ans
>still got error with "Type....End type statement", the rest seem ok:
>'' Version 3.0.0
>'Attribute VB_Name = "ReaderDLL"
>'Type presetSettings
>'  baudRate As Long
>'  protocol As Byte
>'End Type
>'Type readerConfig
>'  baudRate As Long
>'  protocol As Byte
>'  stationID As Byte
>'End Type
>' Opens and initializes a specified communication device.
>Declare "Function OpenComm Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal device As String,
>ByVal autodetect As Byte, ByRef settings As presetSettings) As Long"
>' Closes and releases the communication device.
>Declare "Sub CloseComm Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hComm As Long)"
>' Empties the receive buffer of the communication.
>Declare "Sub EmptyCommRcvBuffer Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hComm As Long)"
>' Aborts the continuous read command.
>Declare "Sub AbortContinuousRead Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hComm As Long)"
>' Sets and applies the transfer protocol of the communication device.
>Declare "Sub SetCommProtocol Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hComm As Long,
>ByVal protocol As Byte)"
>' Returns the active transfer protocol of the communication device.
>Declare "Function GetCommProtocol Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hComm As
>Long) As Byte"
>' Sets and applies the baud rate of the communication device.
>Declare "Sub SetCommBaudRate Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hComm As Long,
>ByVal bdRate As Long)"
>' Gets the current baud rate of the communication device.
>Declare "Function GetCommBaudRate Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hComm As
>Long) As Long"
>' Sets and applies the continuous receive mode of the commnication device.
>Declare "Sub SetCommContRcv Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hComm As Long,
>ByVal mode As Byte)"
>' Returns the state of continuous receive mode.
>Declare "Function GetCommContRcv Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hComm As
>Long) As Byte"
>' Sets and applies the timeout of the communication device.
>Declare "Sub SetCommTimeout Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hComm As Long,
>ByVal timeout As Long)"
>' Returns the timeout of the communication device.
>Declare "Function GetCommTimeout Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hComm As
>Long) As Long"
>' Detects all available readers and devices on a specified communication
>Declare "Function DetectReader Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hComm As Long,
>ByVal buffer As String) As String"
>' Opens a reader on specified communication device with specified ID.
>Declare "Function OpenReader Lib ""reader.dll""(ByVal hComm As Long,
>ByVal value As Byte, ByVal knownReader As Integer) As Long"
>' Closes a reader specified with its handle.
>Declare "Sub CloseReader Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As Long)"
>' Resets a reader specified with its handle.
>Declare "Sub ResetReader Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As Long)"
>' Sends a command to a reader specified with its handle.
>Declare "Function SendCommand Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As Long,
>ByVal command As String, ByVal data As String) As Long"
>' Receives data from a reader specified with its handle.
>Declare "Function GetData Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As Long,
>ByVal buffer As String) As String"
>' Sends a command to a reader specified with its handle and receives data.
>Declare "Function SendCommandGetData Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader
>As Long, ByVal command As String, ByVal data As String, ByVal buffer As
>String) As String"
>' Receives data from a reader specified with its handle with timeout.
>Declare "Function GetDataTimeout Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As
>Long, ByVal buffer As String, ByVal timeout As Long) As String"
>' Sends a command to a reader specified with its handle and receives
>data with timeout.
>Declare "Function SendCommandGetDataTimeout Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal
>hReader As Long, ByVal command As String, ByVal data As String, ByVal
>buffer As String, ByVal timeout As Long) As String"
>' Sets and applies the reader with specified configuration. The
>communication device even adapted to this new settings.
>Declare "Sub SetReaderConfig Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As Long,
>ByRef config As readerConfig)"
>' Returns current reader configuration.
>Declare "Function GetReaderConfig Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As
>Long) As readerConfig"
>' Returns the version string of a reader specified with its handle.
>Declare "Function GetReaderType Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As
>Long, ByVal buffer As String) As String"
>' Returns the station ID of a reader specified with its handle.
>Declare "Function GetStationID Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As
>Long) As Byte"
>' Check if a script command is available for a reader specified with its
>Declare "Function IsCommandAvailable Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader
>As Long, ByVal command As String) As Byte"
>' Returns the device ID of a reader specified with its handle.
>Declare "Function GetDeviceID Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As Long,
>ByVal buffer As String) As String"
>' Activates/deactivates broadcast mode of binary protocol using a reader
>specified with its handle.
>Declare "Sub SetBroadcast Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As Long,
>ByVal broadcast As Byte)"
>' Returns the state of broadcast mode of a reader specified with its handle.
>Declare "Function GetBroadcast Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As
>Long) As Byte"
>' Returns the version of the DLL. (This function is obsolete, use
>Declare "Function GetDLLVersion Lib ""reader.dll"" () As Long"
>' Returns the version of the DLL as string.
>Declare "Sub GetDLLVersionStr Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal buffer as
>String) As String"
>' Activates/deactivates debug output for a reader specified with its handle.
>Declare "Function SetDebugOutputState Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader
>As Long, ByVal state As Byte)"
>' Returns the state of debug output for a reader specified with its handle.
>Declare "Function GetDebugOutputState Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader
>As Long) As Byte"
>' Returns the debug output for a reader specified with its handle.
>Declare "Function GetDebugOutput Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As
>Long, ByVal buffer As String) As String"
>' Starts the timer for a reader specified with its handle.
>Declare "Function StartTimer Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As Long)"
>' Returns the response time for a reader specified with its handle.
>Declare "Function GetTiming Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As Long)
>As Single"
>' Returns the flag of the binary protocol v2 for a reader specified with
>its handle.
>Declare "Function GetBinFlag Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As Long)
>As Byte"
>' Returns the used binary protocol type for a reader specified with its
>Declare "Function GetBinProtocol Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As
>Long) As Byte"
>' Prepares the firmware upload and checks the password.
>Declare "Function LoadFirmware Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As
>Long, ByVal data As String, ByVal length As Long, ByVal password As
>String, ByVal options As Byte) As Long"
>' Initialize the firmware update.
>Declare "Sub InitUpdateFirmware Lib ""reader.dll"" ()"
>' Update one line of the firmware. Call this function until the upload
>is finished.
>Declare "Function  UpdateFirmware Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal hReader As
>Long) As Byte"
>' Encrypts an 8 byte data block with 8 byte key using DES algorithm.
>Declare "Function DESEncrypt Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal key as String,
>ByVal data as String) As String"
>' Decrypts an 8 byte data block with 8 byte key using DES algorithm.
>Declare "Function DESDecrypt Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal key as String,
>ByVal data as String) As String"
>' Encrypts an 8 byte data block with two 8 byte keys using triple DES
>Declare "Function TDESEncrypt Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal key1 as String,
>ByVal key2 as String, ByVal data as String) As String"
>' Decrypts an 8 byte data block with two 8 byte keys using triple DES
>Declare "Function TDESDecrypt Lib ""reader.dll"" (ByVal key1 as String,
>ByVal key2 as String, ByVal data as String) As String"
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