Thank you - I will try it

New Stuff :)

--- In, "joespan123" <j...@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I assume you are using the NSBasic Installer !!
> You now need to add the required controls into the project so that the 
> installer file created can install the control onto the device.
> To get the FileSystem control working do the following:
> a) Project->Add Resource
> b) Go into folder "C:\Program Files\NSBasic\CE\Controls\WM"
> c) Then choose "MSCEFile.dll"
> Create the installer and try again, it should work now.
> You will have to do this for all the other controls you may have used in 
> NSBasic V7 for your project. You will need to work out which DLL file matches 
> the control you have used.
> Joe
> --- In, Timothy Williams <gilhyde@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > I am running NS Basic/CE 8.0.2a - just upgraded from v7 in the last hour.  
> > I loaded my main application and trying to run it on my Windows Mobile v6.1 
> > Professional HTC Viva device.
> > 
> > I am getting Could Not Create non-visual control (FileSystem) error 80040154
> > 
> > This app was running fine in v7 on identical hardware
> > 
> > This app was never ran on this device
> > 
> > HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
> >

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