New member, on the edge of purchasing NS Basic/CE.  User of NS Basic/Desktop 
for a while now.

I have a few general questions and I'm sure this must be the place to ask them. 
 The core of the developer community seems to be here!

1. Has anyone posted information anywhere on the topic of deploying NS Basic/CE 
programs to devices?  A general outline would be nice, descriptions of several 
options if available would be good too.  Also hints and pitfalls to watch for, 
etc.  Do these application installs tend to roll back (uninstall) neatly when 

2. Development and testing.  I'd think you'd want a testbed device, fairly 
generic in nature, and one you could restore to "factory" conditions easily.  
For example I wouldn't want to trash my smartphone testing software!  Do people 
do this?  If so, what's the oldest OS version practical for this, in order to 
make acquiring a used device practical?  Yes, I do realize that each CE 
versions and edition has different feature sets, as well as different hardware 
platform features.  Any general guidance here though?

3. Marketplaces.  I know Microsoft has a WinMobile Marketplace but it appears 
to be heavily .Net oriented.  Are there existing alternatives people use today?

4. Are there good resources on things like Microsoft's logo certification 
programs?  Anyone have a link?  Do these really apply when using NS Basic/CE, 
or are they out of the question for non-.Net applications now?

5. Any recommendations for WinMobile development documentation aside from MSDN 
Online?  Is there is a good Platform SDK sort of thing?  Any books people 
really recommend?  Again, I want info useful to NS Basic development, not so 
much things for C or .Net devs.

Thanks for any thoughts you wish to share.  I hope this isn't a horribly 
redundant post.  If anyone maintains a Web site going into these topics, such 
links would be great too!

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