Thank you Joe. I appreciate the assistance.

- Bob

--- In, "joespan123" <j...@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> To get this to work you need to install the required "MSCETabStrip.dll" 
> Control OCX onto the device.
> You can do this by using the inbuilt NSBasic Installer by adding the required 
> DLL as a Resource.
> You do "Project->Add Reource", then select the "MSCETabStrip.dll" from the 
> folder "Program Files/NSBasic/CE/Controls/WM".
> This goes for other controls you may wish to use.
> Regards
> Joe
> --- In, "michiman56" <rriemersma@> wrote:
> >
> > If I add a TabStrip1 to a Form1 in a simple project I'm having a problem 
> > where TabStrip1 isn't recognized at runtime:
> > 
> > "VBScript runtime error - line 10, char 0 Object required: 'TabStrip1'" is 
> > the error.
> > 
> > I simply tried to .Add two tabs to the Tabs collection:
> > 
> > Sub Form1_Load
> >     TabStrip1.Tabs.Add , , "A"
> >     TabStrip1.Tabs.Add , , "B"
> > End Sub
> > 
> > Variation, same error in new location now of course:
> > 
> > TabStrip1.Tabs.Add 1, , "A"
> > TabStrip1.Tabs.Add 2, , "B"
> > 
> > Sub Form1_Load
> > End Sub
> > 
> > What am I missing here?  I have read TechNote 03n, is this the route I need 
> > to take instead of using the toolbox to create the control at design-time?
> >

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