I see this isn't and hasn't been a rare issue though.  I've found 3 articles on 
the subject, though none of them supply any code usable from NSB/CE:




These may all be by the same guy of course.  At least two are.

Too bad somebody good at making ActiveX controls in C++ hasn't wrapped one of 
these up for us to use.

For that matter just wrapping up the underlying Toolbar control for us could be 
quite handy, though I get the idea that *general-purpose* toolbars are 
discouraged in Windows Mobile appications.

--- In nsbasic...@yahoogroups.com, "michiman56" <rriemer...@...> wrote:
> BTW:
> What little MSDN *does* say on this Header control is:
> "A header control is used to display a heading above a list view that can 
> also be used for sorting, folder picking, and other list-specific controls. 
> (Windows Mobile 6 Professional and Windows Mobile 6 Classic only)"
> Sounds perfect.  If only the link on that page was working!
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb158625.aspx

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