The grid is probably there, but behind your forms. To add the grid to a
form, add its name to the end of the line, as you did in one of your
tries. The best place to add the grid is in the Form_load routine for
the form you want it on. It gets called after the form has been created.

>Okay, I've tried searching for this, but can't find an answer that works
>for me. I'm updating an old project with four forms, and one of them has
>a grid. When I run it with the default form designer code, I get a
>message like this when I try to work with the grid:
>Scripting Error: [ok]
>Microsoft VBScript runtime error - line 265, char 4
>Variable is undefined: 'Grid'
>This is when the auto-generated Display_Show routine for the 'Display'
>form containing the grid uses the following line:
>      NSExecute "AddObject " & chr(34) & "GridCtrl.GridCtrl.1" & chr(34)
>& ", " & chr(34) & "Grid" & chr(34) & ", 4, 4, 220, 144, Display_Form"
>As far as I can tell from experimenting with the 'GridHowToLite' sample
>project in the Files section, this syntax will work when the form with
>the grid on it is the startup form, otherwise it fails to add the grid
>and generates the 'variable is undefined' message.
>Under the heading of 'So crazy it just might work', I tried rewriting
>this as an ordinary AddObject line, the same way as the other Display
>form objects that load happily:
>      AddObject "GridCtrl.GridCtrl.1", "Grid", 4, 4, 220, 144, Display_Form
>This had no better results.
>Finally, based on a message I found here on the group, I tried adding
>the grid from the very start of the program, at the same time as I add
>my SQLite connection:
>AddObject "GridCtrl.GridCtrl.1", "Grid", 900, 900, 220, 144
>In the Display_Load routine, I entered these line to move the Grid on-screen:
>               Grid.Move 4, 4
>with the following lines in Display_Hide:
>   Grid.move 900, 900
>The result of this was half a loaf - no more error messages, but I still
>didn't see the grid on my pocket PC.
>So, can anybody help with this? What's the right way to put a grid on a
>form-designer form? All of the grid examples that I've found, aside from
>GridHowToLite, seem to be using the model of adding all objects manually.
>Yahoo! Groups Links

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