-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Ormston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 December 2006 17:38
To: 'Helen Capes'
Subject: RE: [NSP] Re: Wannies Boxing Day session

"Play Elsey's Waltz for me.

Participants are reminded that Boxing Day rules apply!  This means that
Elsey's Waltz can only be performed after The Cott and before Whittingham
Green Lane, except in a leap year, when, at the discretion of the Committee,
the latter two tunes may be substituted with Caddam Woods or A Scary Night
in Shetland.  Leaving Lismore needs written dispensation ratified by a
quorum of the membership, including the signature of at least one winner of
the Blackthorn Stick trophy.

Major Misunderstanding VSO, VC, MFI, DCS
Commander in Chief of Allied Carpets (Retd.)

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