Ah sorry - my fault. I hadn't intended to question who the maker was, the seller is quite clear that it's a Colin Ross set. The question mark was intended for "anyone interested .."

Sorry for any confusion - it's a classic case of the impression of the written word in e-mails..


Quoting Philip Gruar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

The bellows certainly look like David's - on looking again, it's very
hard to say about the actual pipes, the picture isn't high-res enough.
Colin, can you confirm whether these really are your work?

Somewhat unusual for eBay - anyone interested in an effectively unplayed new set of NSP (Colin Ross)?

Haven't worked out what the chanter keys are but the seller is answering questions.. From the text I'd hazard a guess at the reserve being 1300 UKP

(I have no connection with the auction - caveat emptor as always)


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