Actually not about RG but to mention that Bert Lloyd had me play My Dearie Sits 
Ower Late Up (Adam Bell) in 3/2 3/4 rhythm on The Iron Muse (Topic) instead of 
the straight 9/8 as written which I managed quite well but it got the jazz bass 
player Jim Bray some time to get the 1-2-3-123 beat in his head to pluck it out 
on his double bass. Bert was fond of his Eastern European songs at the time and 
I always wondered if he really thought the tune should have been written out 
like that. I had come across 6/8 tunes in the Atkinson MS played in 'another' 
way like that with the six notes paired in three beats instead of two threes as 
far as I remember. Are these simple mathematical jokes or do they relate to 
some obscure dance rhythms. In the case of Vickers maybe he just didn't get it. 
Syncopation gone too far but still alive and kicking as was heard at the Proms 
folk concert. I remember when we thought that Wilja Fjord was the last word in 
groovy syncopation until Andy Irvine came!
  back from Eastern Europe playing those compound rhythms on his bazouki.

And so on....


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