   Have you been nobbled by a hockey mom/pig in lipstick???


   > Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 10:15:23 -0400
   > CC:
   > Subject: [NSP] Re: George Atkinson
   > Dear Adrian,
   > Come on let's get?some musical sense into all this. The fact that I
   have not competed does not mean I do not have any idea of the nature of
   the instrument. My experience of playing the pipes both as an amateur
   and semi- professional as well as my broader experience of music other
   than small piping means that I can put the playing of the pipes in some
   sort of perspective that perhaps the less experienced in playing and
   listening to a wider range of music cannot. I fully appreciate the
   characteristics of closed finger playing that is almost unique to our
   pipes but the fundimentalist dogma of only one finger up at a time and
   playing every note detached closes off a range of other means of
   expression attainable on our pipes to make up for the lack of dynamics
   that the pipes suffer from and which I have mentioned previously.
   > I am not trying to change the style of playing the pipes that older
   and now deceased players have established only to feel free to develop
   varied techniques while retaining the essential quality of the playing
   > Be aware that in insisting on this rigid form of playing you
   are?putting off beginners who feel that they will be derided in playing
   in public if they cannot acheive this level of expertise and may put
   them off piping altogether.
   > I have posted this on the list to widen the discussion.
   > Colin R
   > -----Original Message-----
   > From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   > Sent: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 0:33
   > Subject: Re: [NSP] George Atkinson
   > Mr Ross,?
   > have you competed in any piping competitions? (I do not think so)?
   > I have.?
   > What are you trying to say??
   > I am playing, now, in a most 'proper' form and you are trying to
   change it.?
   > The correct method is closed fingering; if you cannot do it, give up;
   or at least try.?
   > Mr Schofield ?
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   > --
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