Colin wrote:

   >>I am glad you enjoyed reading the Journal which is designed to
   stimulate thought a wee bit more that the >>Newsletter. The article
   which was less than stimulating and in fact quite innaccurate was the
   one where Sarah >>Paton commented on the financial running of the NPS
   and also on 'attitude' at our regular meetings which she >>has not
   attended so how could she know as applies to her knowledge of the work
   of our Treasurer.

   >>Anthony tries to make it easy for young people to grasp ideas of
   rhythm by vocalising them which works most >>of the time but he got a
   tomato in the face over the rant rhythm. If I can give the idea of the
   foot tapping >>rhythm which is the basis of what you are writing about
   it can be expressed? in cut common as lead >>note,?quaver/ crotchet,
   crotchet,crotchet, quaver? rest,quaver/ crotchet...etc. However the
   tunes used may >>not be exactly in that rhythm but would still allow
   the dancers to tap out the rhythm with their hard shoes. >>A slowish
   reel would allow the dancers to tap out the rhythm in certain parts of
   the dance albeit a bit >>faster than in a regular rant

   Err... yes, exactly. I think that makes things perfectly clear. We can
   probably drop this topic now.


   Paul Gretton


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