The President's role has in my experience been seen as more ceremonial and PR -
Advocacy for the pipes is what the job needs, and got from its last 2 
An analogy might be the Chancellor as against the VC of a University.
Choosing a short list of outstanding players would be the easy bit -
Unfortunately, choosing one from it could start a war!


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Greenley, Gordon
Sent: 19 May 2009 10:21
Subject: [NSP] Re: New NPS president

I don't normally get involved in these kinds of discussions, as I joined NPS to 
enjoy playing the pipes, and I'm pleased that, like Paul, I don't live in the 
North East. It seems to me that there are, of course, two other options. 

First, why does NPS need a President? In the rules (para 17) the President's 
roles are to preside at some meetings, to attend functions, and to take a 
continuing interest in the aims and activities. Well, there's already a 
Chairman to do the first role, and the other two roles, it seems to me, are 
carried out by all NPS members, to a greater or lesser extent. So perhaps the 
function of  President is redundant.

Second, if we must have a President why not someone that the majority of 
members will have a great amount of respect for, like one of our outstanding 
current players (I'm sure a short list would be easy), or someone who has 
already demonstrated an outstanding contribution. It seems to me that our last 
President was in both these categories. For me this would be preferable to a 
politician (and sorry but we can't ignore the current climate), who isn't even 
a member, who seemingly isn't associated with members, and has seemingly made 
no extra ordinary contribution to piping.

Gordon Greenley

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Julia Say
Sent: 18 May 2009 20:35
Subject: [NSP] New NPS president

On 18 May 2009, wrote: 

>  there are others as worthy if not more of this office  There is no 
> rush so consult ALL the membership and not just the few in the "inner 
> sanctom"!!!!

Guy (and all interested members):

If you consult the society rules you will see that: 
a) the selection of the new president is the responsibility of the NPS committee
b) there is a time limit of 6 months

The majority of the current committee interpreted this to mean they make the 
decision themselves: when it was suggested that a call for suggestions be 
placed in the newsletter, this was not thought appropriate.
It was also thought inappropriate to publish the original list of suggested 
names with which the committee started.

For an EGM to be held by the beginning of August, the time constraints on the 
process are actually fairly tight, particularly should the deciding body's 
first, second or even  third choices decline the post. (I am not saying this 
did or did not happen: it is merely an example).

A final observation: it can be the case that as NPS Hon. Sec. I have to 
administer, announce or otherwise deal with decisions with which I 

personally disagree. That is part of the job.
Again I'm not saying whether or not this is the case in this instance, but 
don't shoot the messenger - it could be that they agree with you.

Julia Say
NPS Hon Sec.

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