Things seem to be coming out into the open and it's about time. It has
   been dominated too long with one man. Due to this, the society has done
   little to promote or encourage the small-pipes; although some tune
   books have been published, the last one just a re-hash of the others.
   What happenned to the non NSP piping course in the North East, it
   didn't run. Why?-because a member of the committee condemned it, I
   wonder who that was?? It has ignored the concerns of prominant piper's
   and failed to promote proper piping-"play the pipes any old-how" - good
   for the pipe makers - not good for the tradition. The last record of
   piping, yes a vinyl record, was published in 1988. Why do I say the
   last one, dare I say the only one? I get potential pipers with hire
   sets, all of the sets were out of tune and in need of maintenance. The
   society has come to a grinding halt. The committee needs to think "
   where is it going, what are we here for " and not to let it be run with
   the thoughts of one person.


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