
All sorts of wierd permutations on latin letters are possible on a Mac and
I assume on a MS machine -- just install a Welsh keyboard driver.  There
are a few slavic letters I can't do but German, Scandanavian, Hungarian,
French, Spanish are easily accessible on a dead-key basis.  The normal
British letters are as written on the keys but the alt key is magic.

retired in Scotland but still trying to learn Welsh.

    My version ( from a P Cato personal recording from Ushaw College 01)
>    says that there's a little o  over the second a  ( sorry my mac don't
>    do Swedish..)
>    Simon
>    On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 9:11 PM, Julia Say <[1]>
>    wrote:
>      Can anyone tell me where the letters with dots over and suchlike
>      should go in the tune title "APPELBOLATEN" (it's Swedish).
>      I have it handwritten, twice and differently, from various sources,
>      and I don't trust either rendition.
>      Thanks
>      Julia
>      To get on or off this list see list information at
>      [2]
>    --
> References
>    1.
>    2.

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