Hi all
   As part of my practice I like to alternate between reading and playing
   by ear, I find I can concentrate more on my tone (when playing flute)
   when playing from memory, but dots are great for training my fingers
   ... but I did learn classical first so sightreading is a skill I want
   to keep up to date and fresh (having said this, I don't perform from
   dots, just use them to learn tunes.... ).
   Other days I like to put on a favourite tune on my ipod and try to
   figure out what's happening, completely different skills but just as
   good a work out.
   So, I am firmly on the fence, ear, sight and memory are all great
   musical work outs for me and I'd be a poorer person without them. I'm
   not sure it's a question of dots 'v' ear but more what you do with
   them... personal opinion!
   The only problem I find with this moving to ear world is that I can't
   seem to remember the names of any of the tunes! Does anyone have tips
   or tricks? It may be because I learn most of my new tunes from my ipod
   whilst driving, and I can't look at the names!!!
   On the pipes it's not an issue as I can only play one tune so far!

   2009/12/3 colin <[1]cwh...@santa-fe.freeserve.co.uk>

     Phew, what a lot of responses.
     Going back to the "reading and writing" aspect, just being able to
     read what's on the page won't make anyone a good actor will it?
     There's something "extra" that makes the difference between a player
     who can reproduce what's written down exactly and HOW they play it.
     Two players, same notes, different performance.
     On the subject of classical players, I do feel one should take into
     account that, when playing in an orchestra, doing  one's own thing
     may not be a good idea :-)
     A time and a place for everything.
     Colin Hill
     ----- Original Message ----- From:
     To: <[3]anth...@robbpipes.com>; <[4]j.gibb...@imperial.ac.uk>

   Cc: <[5]...@cs.dartmouth.edu>

     Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 12:43 PM

   Subject: [NSP] Re: From notation to music

      I actually agree with all this, but I for one have received the
      "no, we're trying to get away from that" when I asked a well-know
      musician if he could read music.
      I have also heard a well-known singer dismissing classical players
      the phrase "the buggers couldn't do it if it wasn't written down".
      These people, both of who I highly respect, can remain anonymous,
     as I
      am talking about my experience and not pointing fingers at others.

      From: Anthony Robb [mailto:[6]anth...@robbpipes.com]
      Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 6:32 PM
      To: [7]j.gibb...@imperial.ac.uk; BIRCH Christopher (DGT)
      Cc: [8]...@cs.dartmouth.edu
      Subject: Re: [NSP] Re: From notation to music
      What a long, long way we've wandered from my initial point!
      No one can take any pride at all in not having a skill and I for
      know no "by ear" leaner who would not wish to add the skill of
      sight-reading to their box of repertoire-expanding tools. For many
      simply wasn't an option. They picked up the tunes from listening to
      what was available and pleasing to them. The lack of such a useful
      skill as sight-reading forced them to listen over and over again to
      style of music played and gave them an insight into the music
      beyond the dots. It is the absorption of the music into their very
      being which gives this music, often simple on the surface, it's
      complexity, vitality and beauty. Traditional music has been
      successfully passed on by listening for many generations. This is
      beyond any musician who wants to aspire to it. It does, however,
      require more discipline from a dots reader because tunes can be
      quickly, nay instantly, accessible to them. The worry is that the
      people who do this, without lots and lots of listening to what
      generations before have worked at and left us, the more we will be
      passing on a watered down version of the tradition.
      Stewart Hardy is a truly gifted musician by any standard. His sight
      reading is impeccable. Jimmy Little wouldn't know where to start
     with a
      page of dots. The one thing that they share is the amount of
      they do to take in every ounce of life and bounce from our music
      then give it back with their own unique surprises and turns. It is
      unmistakeably part of the tradition but not slavishly copied and
      reproduced. Dots on their own can never pass on this feel for the
      No one is (snobbishly) damning sight-readers per se. We are saying
      there is a heirarchy of approaches in traditional music; the most
      important is listening (over and over again -even if this doesn't
      actually learning by ear) then turn, once the music has been
      absorbed, to the dots for reference, repertoire expansion,
      of old manuscript tunes etc. When done this way around, each and
      one of us involved in the tradition benefits and so our blessings
      condemnation!) be upon you.
      As aye
      --- On Wed, 2/12/09, [9]christopher.bi...@ec.europa.eu
      <[10]christopher.bi...@ec.europa.eu> wrote:
        From: [11]christopher.bi...@ec.europa.eu
        Subject: [NSP] Re: From notation to music
        To: [13]j.gibb...@imperial.ac.uk
        Cc: [14]...@cs.dartmouth.edu
        Date: Wednesday, 2 December, 2009, 16:02
      >I haven't damned 'classical musicians' at all.
      I wasn't accusing you personally of damning classical musicians.
      if it came over that way.
      Some people, including some who should no better, do damn classical
      musicians, however, and even take a pride in their own inability to
      read the dots. Inverted snobbery if you ask me.
      Btw, when I used the term "damn" I was merely referring back to
      Bridges' contribution, in which she wrote "and it
      >seems that many who are damning the classically trained on
      >this nsp ..."
      To get on or off this list see list information at
      1. [16]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html



   1. mailto:cwh...@santa-fe.freeserve.co.uk
   2. mailto:christopher.bi...@ec.europa.eu
   3. mailto:anth...@robbpipes.com
   4. mailto:j.gibb...@imperial.ac.uk
   5. mailto:nsp@cs.dartmouth.edu
   6. mailto:anth...@robbpipes.com
   7. mailto:j.gibb...@imperial.ac.uk
   8. mailto:nsp@cs.dartmouth.edu
   9. mailto:christopher.bi...@ec.europa.eu
  10. mailto:christopher.bi...@ec.europa.eu
  11. mailto:christopher.bi...@ec.europa.eu
  12. mailto:christopher.bi...@ec.europa.eu
  13. mailto:j.gibb...@imperial.ac.uk
  14. mailto:nsp@cs.dartmouth.edu
  15. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
  16. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html

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