I have a trumpet gig bag, lots of padding and perfect size.

   On 16 February 2010 15:34, Philip Gruar <[1]phi...@gruar.clara.net>

     Not a controversial discussion point, or anything interesting about
     the music, just a question to pipers and other pipe-makers - where
     do you get your cases, and what sort of case do you prefer?
     Before the set I've just finished I'd not a made a full set for some
     time, having mainly done just chanters, and before that I'd had
     several cases in stock, and now I find that the people I used to get
     cases from don't seem to be in business any more. Graham Spencer of
     "Savage and Hoy" used to do them for me, and I believe a couple of
     other pipe-makers. However, although he still has a webpage up,
     there's no reply to emails and the telephone numbers I have don't
     Does anyone have any information and/or opinions and help in
     sourcing good cases for NSP? Preferably within UK of course.
     To get on or off this list see list information at



   1. mailto:phi...@gruar.clara.net
   2. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html

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