Margaret sent me an email with information about her new book of
tunes.  I already reserved my copy.

Here's a quote from Margaret's email, which she said I could pass along:

I use Sibelius, and have just finished putting together a book of
tunes linked in some way to north Northumberland. Most of them haven’t
been published before; the book includes a handful of Dad’s tunes, a
batch of mine, and a load of others - either tunes we’ve recorded, or
from manuscripts I’ve had access to (Cheviot Ranters, William Darling,
John Readshaw etc). Harmonies are provided for all of them. I’ve
worked to get the notes/sources list etc done, and it’s taken far
longer than I thought it would! Anyway, it’s done now, and will go off
to the printers at the end of this month. I’ve been told it should be
ready for the beginning of June.

We’re also running a series of workshops this summer, as we did last
year, to pass on more tunes to people who want to learn them.

Feel free to pass this info on to anyone you think might be
interested. The book will cost £10 for 52 tunes (which I think isn’t
too bad!), and will be available from us and from anyone else we can
persuade to sell it! Workshop and concert dates will also appear on
our website within the next couple of weeks.

To get on or off this list see list information at

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