Calling all pipers ...and particularly regular attenders of this annual
   weekend event. There has been a late flurry of bookings for the Halsway
   Pipers w/e 4-7 March 2011.

   Christine and I shall be ready and waiting to welcome you to this
   event, but only if you have managed to book in advance! Many regulars
   seem to leave it to the last possible moment to book and then may be
   disappointed that their usual room has been allocated to someone else.
   NB only about half the accommodation is en-suite.

   We have the same team of Northumbrian piping tutors as last year,
   namely; Chris Ormston, Andy May, Chris Evans and Francis Wood. There
   are playarounds on Friday and Sunday evenings (Sunday is a joint
   evening shared with local musicians who come to the monthly Sunday Club
   - last year this was the best attendance ever on a Sunday night!),
   workshops on Saturday and Sunday, with a public concert on Saturday
   evening. Saturday afternoon is free or there may be optional extra
   sessions if needed.

   Guests are welcome to stay over till Monday morning and drive home in
   the daylight, if possible. For those arriving by public transport, i.e.
   train to Taunton, don't forget there is a No 28 bus the serves the
   manor . You need to ask for the "Halsway turning", as it is a request
   stop. Half hourly service from Taunton Railway station at 05 and 35
   minutes past each hour.

   Contact details for Halsway Manor the National Residential centre for
   Traditional Music, Dance and Song:

   for bookings ring Viv 01984 618274 - you can pay by credit card.

   postal address for cheques to - Halsway Manor, Crowcombe, Somerset TA4

   web address - [1]

   email - [2]

   See you all soon!

   Best wishes

   Alan Corkett

   PS. My phone number if you need help is 01278 732202.




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