On 17/06/2011 10:49, Matt Seattle wrote:
    Lotsa fun here - Adrian's inspired '6 classes' made me laugh out loud

    As for 'tradition', it is a neutral, value-free term, there are good
    traditions and bad - human sacrifice was traditionally practised in
    some cultures..
    As for 'can you play' - in one sense, of course Anthony can play,
    Adrian can play, and so on. In another sense, none of us can play.
    Music is a manifestation of Grace beyond all of us. If we are
    fortunate, occasionally Music visits our stumbling endeavours, and we
    are blessed. To place a method of articulating notes (detached
    fingering) above all other considerations - the most obvious being
    'which notes?' - is, I venture, missing the point of the exercise.
    As for Billy Pigg, as has been said here before, his 'Wild Hills' was
    what pulled many of us in here. It's not pure anything, in the sense of
    the detached style of the mining areas, or the lilting rhythms of the
    hill tribes, and it's not faultless playing. But it is pure magic.


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