Dear Developers, I received no answer from the users list to my question. I resend my whole email to the devel list. Regards, Zoltan

PS. If there is a good and fresh Linux distribution which handles the Hungarian language well, I may change from SuSE to that distribution, if it would be able to maintain my nss-mysql installation correctly. ;-) Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Zoltán Kovács <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2005.12.08. 12:53
Subject: nss-mysql under SuSE 9.0

Hello, I'm quite new to nss-mysql, however I like it very much because I had a successful installation on a "Debian Sarge 3.1 + Windows 98 workstations" system.

What I'd like to do now is to setup Linux workstations which run SuSE 9.0. I installed nss-mysql-1.0 from source. The compilation was not fully clean, because I had to create a symbolic link for But then the installation was successful and now I'm trying to login on a workstation.

Authentication seems to work OK, with bad userid/password I cannot login. Using good userid/password the authentication also works, however the login process hangs. I can see only

Login: kovzol
Last login: Thu Dec  8 12:01:04 2005 from 2
Have a lot of fun...

Here the terminal hangs, I can get no shell prompt. The graphical login is also unsuccessful.

Can you help me please, why I am unable to login properly? Do you think I'm using some rather old packages or nss-mysql-1.0 should work correctly with SuSE 9.0 as well?

Thank you in advance.

Zoltan Kovacs

Kovács Zoltán,

Nss-mysql-devel mailing list

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