Which fans were cheering the Wolves lads when they were down 0-6? That
doesn't sound like the south bank to me! Was Surman at the right ground?



From: nswolves@googlegroups.com [mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Marcus Chantry
Sent: Wednesday, 1 July 2009 10:17 PM
To: Parma Juss; Andy Fellows; Darrell Yates; Duncan McLean; Elliot Dale;
Graeme Fitzsimmons; Jeremy Thake; Jess Panni; lee.mor...@defence.gov.au;
les.ll...@veoliawater.com; Mark; Michael Lewis; nswolves@googlegroups.com;
Paul Johnson; Steve Lewis; Tony Slater; Trevor Jones; Wayne Pannell;
xtremefloorcoveri...@hotmail.com; Andy Lamb
Subject: [NSWolves] RE: Big George


he's been getting good reviews as a young prospect but never seen him play
myself.  might do a youtube search.



From: Parma Juss [mailto:parma.j...@readify.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, 1 July 2009 10:16 PM
To: Marcus Chantry; Andy Fellows; Darrell Yates; Duncan McLean; Elliot Dale;
Graeme Fitzsimmons; Jeremy Thake; Jess Panni; lee.mor...@defence.gov.au;
les.ll...@veoliawater.com; Mark; Michael Lewis; nswolves@googlegroups.com;
Paul Johnson; Steve Lewis; Tony Slater; Trevor Jones; Wayne Pannell;
xtremefloorcoveri...@hotmail.com; Andy Lamb
Subject: RE: Big George

Big George is massive - pleased he's on our side.


What do we think of Andrew Surman - anyone know much about him?




Kind regards,

Parma Juss
Readify - NSW Sales Executive
M: +61 425 256 596 | E:  <mailto:parma.j...@readify.net>
parma.j...@readify.net | W:  <http://www.readify.net/> www.readify.net 

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From: Marcus Chantry [mailto:marcus.chan...@macquarie.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, 1 July 2009 10:13 PM
To: Andy Fellows; Darrell Yates; Duncan McLean; Elliot Dale; Graeme
Fitzsimmons; Jeremy Thake; Jess Panni; lee.mor...@defence.gov.au;
les.ll...@veoliawater.com; Mark; Michael Lewis; nswolves@googlegroups.com;
Parma Juss; Paul Johnson; Steve Lewis; Tony Slater; Trevor Jones; Wayne
Pannell; xtremefloorcoveri...@hotmail.com
Subject: Big George


I'd love to meet the man and shake his hand to wish him well for the season
but I reckon he'd rip my hand off!!!!!  You've got to wonder what fancy
wingers are going to think coming up against this bloke??






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Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid

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