An \DL has an explicit DC in it, so you have to leave out the next \DC as in:

\NC one \NC two     \NC three \NC four \NC five \NC six \NC\AR
\DL[2]                        \DC      \DC      \DC        \DR
\VL \TWO{one + two} \VL three \NC four \NC five \NC six \NC\AR
\DC                 \NC       \DL[3]                       \DR
\NC one \NC two \NC three \VL \THREE{four + five + six} \VL\AR
% the next line does not work!!
\DL[2]                        \DC      \DL[2]              \DR
\VL \TWO{one + two} \VL three \NC four \VL \TWO{five + six}\VL\AR

Hi all,

using \DL[2] only once in a row, the function works well, but
using \DL[2] twice in a row, I get a error-message:

! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr.
<template> \endtemplate

\!ttLongHrule ->\omit \span \omit \span
\normalTABLEmultirule ...{#1}\normalTABLElongrule
\complexTableDL ...handleTABLEerror \fi \fi \next
l.31 \DL[2]              \DC       \DC   \DL[2]
! Emergency stop.
<template> \endtemplate

\!ttLongHrule ->\omit \span \omit \span
\normalTABLEmultirule ...{#1}\normalTABLElongrule
\complexTableDL ...handleTABLEerror \fi \fi \next
l.31 \DL[2]              \DC       \DC   \DL[2]
End of file on the terminal!
\NC one \NC two     \NC three \NC four \NC five \NC six \NC\AR
\DL[2]              \DC       \DC      \DC      \DC        \DR
\VL \TWO{one + two} \VL three \NC four \NC five \NC six \NC\AR
\DC     \DC         \DC       \DL[3]                       \DR
\NC one \NC two \NC three \VL \THREE{four + five + six} \VL\AR
% the next line does not work!!
\DL[2]              \DC       \DC      \DL[2]              \DR
\VL \TWO{one + two} \VL three \NC four \VL \TWO{five + six}\VL\AR

What ist here to do? Any hints will be welcome!


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