At 17:00 11/01/2004, Willi Egger wrote:
Dear Hans,

I am trying to convert a couple of EPS pictures into PDF files. Viewing those figures in gostview shows their content on screen as expected.
Unfortunately the conversion with texutil results in some of the files in a rotation of 90 degrees.
I tried to tweak with adding a line to the $GSCommandLine
$GSCommandLine = "-q " .
"-dAutoRotatePages=/None " .
I also tried to put there
"-dPDFSETTINGS=/printer " .
But the figures remain rotated. - Do you have a clue how to prevent this?

If you edit would you then have also look at the code line 2079:
   Report ( "PdfFile", "$FileName".".pdf" ) ;
instead of
   Report ( "PdfFile", "$SuppliedFileName" ) ;

use the pstopdf ruby script instead, it does a cleanup of eps code as well (see manuals)


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