Thanks. The \doifmode as one of the tokens to prepend seems to work!

Hans Hagen said this at Tue, 10 Feb 2004 15:12:47 +0100:

>At 12:35 10/02/2004, you wrote:
>>\doifmode {atl} {\LocalSetup[interaction,sansheadings]}
>>Where should I put it?
>normally, in your cont-sys.tex, or, in cont-sys.tex load a file with your 
>local preferences
>an alternative is:
>   \prependtoks \readfile{myfile}{}{} \to \everystarttext
>in cont-sys.tex and put your settings in myfile

 Adam T. Lindsay                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Computing Dept, Lancaster University   +44(0)1524/594.537
 Lancaster, LA1 4YR, UK             Fax:+44(0)1524/593.608

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