Hello all,

I'm still new to ConTeXt, so this might seem trivial to you...

As I would like to create circuit diagrams without leaving TeXShop, I
downloaded and installed the mpcirc Metapost macro package. When trying
to compile, however (using \startMPinclusions input mpcirc;
\stopMPinclusions), ConTeXt fails with an error message saying
" TeXExec 4.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2003

              metapost : mpgraph
                format : metafun
This is MetaPost, Version 0.641 (Web2C 7.5.2)
(mpgraph.mp (mpcirc.mp (ttex.mp) (circlib.mp
>> circlib.mp
>> circlib.mpx
! Unable to make mpx file.
l.39 def Eplus_ = btex
                      $+$etex enddef;
Transcript written on mpgraph.log.
 error in metapost run : mpgraph.mp:39"

Enabling \write18 and changing the MPXcommand to texexec --mptex didn't
I would be very grateful if someone could tell me how to get mpcirc (and
maybe even featpost) up and running. I'd also like to know how to enable
margin kerning (I tried \setupalign[hanging], didn't work).

BTW, I'm running the latest i-installer version of teTeX (including the
ConTeXt updater, stable version) on OS X 10.3.2.

Best regards,


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