On Wednesday 14 April 2004 09:47 am, Gour wrote:
> By lookin' at mailing lists' archive I saw several posts
> regarding Scite as editor of choice for ConTeXt.
> Since I'm using vim, I'd like to stay with it, so does
> someone have some vim syntax file tailored for ConTeXt?
> Any ConTeXt vim user?
> Sincerely,
> Gour

I just use the generic TeX syntax file.  It works well 
enough to satisfy me. I have programmed the F5 key to wite 
out the current file and texexec a file called "book.tex."  
F3 fires up Xpdf for "book.pdf." As you may know Xpdf can 
update on the fly when the file being viewed is changed 
without losing the page location. this combination gives me 
semi-wsywig without ever leaving Gvim.  
John Culleton
Able Typesetters and Indexers

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