On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 03:16:43PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Someone suggsted that I use the actual font names.  So I tried:

That would be me. But what I really meant was that you may need to know
those names in order to solve the problem, not that you can expect to
use them directly in ConTeXt.

Now I would say you should use a typescript if you can. There's no real
benefit to using low-level font commands except that you might avoid the
need to create typescripts. Because it looks to me like you probably
need to either change the names of the fonts to conform to the built-in
typescripts, or write your own typescript. The former could cause
trouble if you ever want to use the fonts in LaTeX, so you're probably
better off writing your own typescript. It's a bit weird at first, but
really quite easy when you get used to it; hmm--let me give you a
sample: I'll attach below my Palatino typescript. I haven't used it much
lately, so I can't recall if it works 100%, but it might help you get
started. I also use TeTeX on Linux, so it might be usable as is.

For more info, there's a Fonts in ConTeXt manual that tells you most of
what you need to know, and then Bill McClain has some good examples on
the Web ... I believe his site is

Fonts in TeX take a while to master, but once you do, life is great! (I
think ... I hope ... I'll let you know when I get there ;-)

--  type-palatino.tex  -------------------------------------------------

\starttypescript [serif] [palatino] [8r]
    \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Roman]         [pplr8r]  [encoding=8r]
    \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Bold]          [pplb8r]  [encoding=8r]
    \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Italic]        [pplri8r] [encoding=8r]
    \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Bold-Italic]   [pplbi8r] [encoding=8r]
    \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Slanted]       [pplro8r] [encoding=8r]
    \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Bold-Slanted]  [pplbo8r] [encoding=8r]
    \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Caps]          [pplrc8t] [encoding=8t]

\starttypescript [serif] [palatino] [name]
    \definefontsynonym [Serif]            [Palatino-Roman]
    \definefontsynonym [SerifBold]        [Palatino-Bold]
    \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic]      [Palatino-Italic]
    \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic]  [Palatino-Bold-Italic]
    \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted]     [Palatino-Slanted]
    \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [Palatino-Bold-Slanted]
    \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps]        [Palatino-Caps]

    \definetypeface [Palatino] [rm] [serif] [palatino] [default] [encoding=8r]

Matt Gushee                 When a nation follows the Way,
Englewood, Colorado, USA    Horses bear manure through
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           its fields;
http://www.havenrock.com/   When a nation ignores the Way,
                            Horses bear soldiers through
                                its streets.
                            --Lao Tzu (Peter Merel, trans.)
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