This is not exactly an answer to your question, but it might
solve your problem.

You can use overlays with any figure, see cont-eni.pdf page 150ff.

The mechanism is not so much the tex-engine TeX but one of the many little
add-ons that come with ConText and exploit features of PDF.

In particular, you can use your PDFs directly in ConText.
I found this easier than to teach my picture producing applications to use the
right fonts in the right way at the right place.


On Aug 23, 2004, at 9:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't have any experience in metapost. I would appreciate if someone would please answer this question without me having to do thru tutorials and metapost source code.

I was wondering how does metapost talk to TeX? Quicky glancing through the metafun book, I found out that you can super-impose text typeset by TeX on top of a diagram. I imagine you could do the same with mathematical equations too.

So how does metapost interact with TeX?  Let me guess:

1) Metapost could first write down to a file the text that it wan't TeX to typeset. It could then run TeX on the file. TeX produces a DVI file and metapost reads it back. It can then superimpose it on top of a picture.

2) Metapost could also be including within itself a simplified version of TeX. But that would be reinventing the wheel.

So how does it happen in reality?

The reason that I am asking is that I am interested in producing some diagrams using the libHARU PDF library (a C++ library to produce PDF files). Beautiful Text support, however, is missing from the library. I was wondering if I could hack it up so that I could somehow use TeX for the text part and C++ calls for the graphics part.

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