I made this background to the first page of a document:

        StartPage ;
        pickup pencircle scaled 2pt ;
        fill Field[InnerMargin][Top]     enlarged (0,2.5cm)  
withcolor .625blue ;
      fill Field[InnerMargin][Text]                            withcolor
.6white  ;
      fill Field[InnerMargin][Header]                          withcolor
.625blue ;
      fill Field[Text][Text]           enlarged .5cm           withcolor
white ;
      fill Field[Header][Text]         enlarged (.5cm,0)       withcolor
white ;
      fill Field[Top][Text]            enlarged (.5cm,4cm)     withcolor
white ;

      StopPage ;

What do I have to do for this background appears only in the first page
(and all the others a simple white page)?

Thanks in advance

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