Hi Adam,

This is an example:

\definition{HMV} blablabla
\definition{TTV} blablabla

%I also have items sometime afterwards:

\head My head \par
\item First Item
\item Second Item
\item Third Item

At this point, it compiles, but when i add a third definition, lets say \definition{QTV} blablabla

It generates the error:

! Undefined control sequence.
<write> ... \twopassentry {\s!list }{\currentlist
}{\currentlist :\noflistel...
<inserted text>
\immediatewriteutilitycommand ...ti {c \string #1}

\stopitemgroup ...th =\zerocount \dolistreference
\fi \iffirstlist \else \en...
l.360 \stopitemize

I have just tried \par after each definition as follows \definition{QTV} blablabla \par

I can now compile but the doc does talk about this!

Question: Do we have to put a \par. It is really bizarre that it solves the problem, cause my items are defined far away in my document from the definitions.

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