Patrick Gundlach wrote:
Hello *,

inspired by Gerben's question, I did some experimenting with \framed.

I'd like to get A[text]B, where text is some long thing in a framed
box like \framed[width=5cm] {\input tufte \par}.

There are three different ways of aligning the three objects:

There are more possibilities aligning three objects. For example:
Standard \framed is not capable to align these three nested boxes to baseline. Since it is very frequent task of form typesetting, I did some very dirt hacks into \framed definition. But just for myself. (If Hans see the code all the rest of his hair falls down. I do not want that.)


(A and B on the same baseline as the first row)

A We  thrive  in  information- B
  thick worlds because of  our
  marvelous and  everyday  ca-

(A and B in the middle of the box, not necessarily on the same baseline as a line in the box)

criminate, distinguish, screen, A pigeonhole, pick over, sort, B
integrate, blend, inspect,

(A and B on the same baseline as the last row)

  from the chaff and seperate
A the sheeps from the  goats. B

I was unable to get any of these alignments.

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